Risk death climbing over the nice new, collasped, path

Meet hysterical girl who had just been mugged at knife point. The answer to her repeated, question 'why did this happen to me in Mexico' might be - because you are a small, white, blond girl who walked down an isolated path by herself, wearing an expensive gold necklace in a country full of poor people and a few nuts
Suddenly we are surrounded by police, they take the girl away but dont really seem very interested
we get an armed guard (pump action shotguns, knives, trunchens, bullet proof vests) all the way to the beach

Beach is idylic
There is a little lady with a BBQ who cooks us a delicious fish lunch. Caught by her son who just walked into the bay with a net

It begins to get dark and we dont really want to walk down the nice new path without our armed guard
Ask a kid on the beach if we can get a lift back by boat. He says, enquiringly '60 pesos for two?'. Before I can haggle Marilyn says yes. He is so surpirsed that he actually says ¨'is this possible'. He whistles to his mates who get petrol from somewhere and swim with it in a 5 gal drum out to a boat

We get a lift back to civalisation in time for happy hour and 2 for 1 Margaritas

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