We are now real Mexican students and get student discount. Though homework and having to get up for 8.30 lessons is a bit of a shock for people who have got used to life without deadlines

We signed up for a weeks Spanish lessons in the Falcon Academy Quanajuato. It is so good we decided to stay a second week. There are only 3 or 4 in a class and they are really good fun. The school itself is very laid back with a great group of students of all ages from around the world

Learning a foreign language is all about confidence. Something we both lack. Marilyn`s suffered a further set back when she was in a bar (where else!) and asked for 'Dos copas de vino tinto, por forvour' and got `sorry I no speak englees` back from the waitress

We are staying with a family in large house on a hill. Its a lovely setting but every house has a dog, on the roof, that howls day and night all part of the Mexican right to make as much noise as possible.
We had seen local farmers selling maize covered in fungus. It looks horrible but the family cook prepared it for us, Maize Guittla Coche. It was delicious.

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