But all this has another side. We have to have a chemical arsenal against the local population of biting things. In the morning we have to cover ourselves with sun lotion and then mosquito repellent because of Dengue Fever, spread by day time mosquitoes. In evening we top up the mosquito repellent because there is malaria in the state and that is spread by night time mosquitoes. We have knock down spray to debug the bathroom before we can shower. Despite all this we are covered by bites from insects that don't understand Deet.

Our room is 3 floors up but we still have inch long beetles, half an inch ants and the occasional scorpion.

Lots of people drown here because of the rip tides and great big waves. Marilyn just lost her very, very expensive glasses. I dived down but a wave got me and ripped them out of my hand. Still I never did like them
Oh and there is a unofficial nudist beach