In three years of travel we have only encountered two cases of aggressive behavior. The first was the seat grabbing, rude Germans in Guatemala. The second was yesterday
The three chavs from Dartford were sitting at the back of a crowded bus. They were loud and there where too many 'fucks' but they seemed friendly enough. Then the driver put on some rather good Lao pop music. One of these guys gos up to the front -----
'This is crap, this is meant to be a VIP bus. Have you got fucking English music. English CD English radio. Understand'
The Lao people are very quiet and reserved and the driver apologised. Having got the gist of what was being said he turned the radio off. This led to a number of people protesting and saying they were enjoying the music.
Our friend from Dartford. Stood in the middle of the bus and told them to fuck off and in particular abused an older Dutch guy. He went back to his set where a French woman told him that this was not England and it was good to hear local music. His reply was to tell her to fuck off too and remind her that 'England once ruled half the world'
At this stage I told him to stop being so aggressive and that he was making me ashamed to be English etc etc. I then waited for the abuse to be launched in my direction. But amazingly they shut up. Apart from the occasion stupid noise and inane comments such as 'why cant they put all these fires out' - Lao uses slash and burn techniques at this time of year
Met guy who had encountered the chavs.
'Hello where do you come from'
'Dartford in sarf eastLondon, where you come from'
'London, Balham'
'Never heard of it'
'Its near Clapham'
"Nar no idea mate'
Another over heard conversation
American teacher to gentleman from India - 'Do you speak Indian"
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