They feed on the krill that grows where the Atlantic meets the water from the Canadian lakes. You can sit on the shore and watch them in the St Lawrence or go out on a boat to be amongst them.
A fascinating museum records the loss of the Empress of Ireland. A collision in fog, with a coal ship led to the deaths of 1022 people . Worst sea disaster after the Titanic but was quickly forgotten because it was 1914 and soon after everyone had other things on their minds
If you believe the captains' stories they were both stationary at the time it happened
This is a strange aspect of the disaster
The ship's cat Emmy, A loyal orange tabby who had never once missed a voyage, repeatedly tried to escape the ship near departure on May 28, 1914. The crew could not coax her aboard and the Empress departed without her. It was reported that Emmy watched the ship sail away from Quebec City sitting on the roof of the shed at Pier 27, which would later become a place for the dead pulled from the river.
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