Panama is like Costa Rica but without the canopy walks. Its stunning.

Crossed over on a quiet border where the river bridge has holes big enough to fall through.

On the Panamanian side I was called into the immigration office. Expecting problems I was comfused by the big smile and hand shake by a very excited official. All was explained when he showed me his name tag - Barrett. I wonder if we are related
Made our way to Finca 60. Just one of hundreds of banana plantations each with loads of workers homes complete with company stores so they can be exploited twice. But Finca 60 has a side line running taxi boats out to the Caribbean Islands.

The Bocas de Toro archipelgo is stunning and as yet largely unspoilt. it has been described by biologists as the Galapagas of the 21 C. Unfortuantly, as usual, there is massive development pressure and ex-pat Americans and Canadians everywhere. Every island has a building plot for sale

The main town is Bocas del Toro with a nice Carebein feel

Our next stop was central Panama. we are now in Panama City trying to get a lift on a boat into Columbia. We are meeting a guy in a Subway in a couple of hours

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