Honduras doesn't feel dangerous but there are guys with guns everywhere. Even to get into a bus station you frisked by a guy with a metal detector and shotgun and every shop has an armed guard.

My Brokeback Mountain moment
They use water to grade the beans and to drive the machinery. Went horse riding, ate tropical fruit straight off the trees and had a night time visit to hot springs.

Got fed being part of the corruption and having to bribe border officials to let me into the country so this time I asked for a receipt. No problem says the guy and sends his mate to get the `receipt book'. I have to stand there waiting while they processed everyone else. I then have to go to another hole in the wall to pay but suddenly they don't have any change and will not accept Honduran money. By this time the whole bus is waiting for us so I go back to first guy and tell him I submit and that I don't now need a receipt. He pretends to be upset but accepts my money. As I turn away he stands up and does a high 5 with his mate - another gringo beaten
Back in Guatemala now
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