Las Vegas was brilliant although we did manage to see the worse Vegas show imagainable - The Soprano's Last Supper. The actors where selected on the basis of not looking like anyone in the Sopranos and their inability to do impressions. They were however all adept at shouting into a microphone.

The best place was Williams, a lovely little southern town with a bar full of stock Hollywood bar room charactors, the best coffee shop in the world and a steam train. We met he most interesting guy in a cafe and had a great discussion about American politics. It turned out he was the local balloon man and he made Marilyn a pregnant Minny mouse, with a balloon in her stomach, riding a Harley Davidson - all out a a single balloon!

We had lightening storms all around us but none over the field. It is a strange place not immediatly stunning but to walk among the rods or sit by yourself in the middle of them does have a magical feel.
You are asked not to take pictures to help keep the mystery of the place. Was it worth the detour and a drive of over 2000 miles? - TB definately, MM not sure!

1 comment:
Hi folks
Looks very interesting, make smy travels look quite insignificant !!!Am off to Bolivia an dBRazil on 16th, if you are anywhere in the area would love to catch up with you. I do have a spare room at the accommodation at Iguassu falls if you are interested, i suspect as you have already done them then you won't but the offer is there .Great experience, nomads now eh !!
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