After Seville we went to Cordoba's magnificent walled city and the biggest mosque outside of Mecca. We managed to hit it at feria time again and had to pay a fortune at the only hotel with an empty room. To save a bit of money we decide our next stop should be an apartment in Alicante

It was a 6 hour train journey with a change. Because we only had ten minutes to spare I made sure our rucksacks were on before the train stopped. Mine was covered in the security netting we used in South America. It snagged on my day bag and ended up hanging down behind me. I couldn't reach it, and Marilyn couldn't undo it, so I had to take the rucksack off. By this time the train had stopped and loads of people were queued up behind us unable to reach the door. Trying to be quick, I swung the rucksack round and it caught on a suitcase that a guy was taking off the rack. I yanked it and the weight of my heavy rucksack spun me round so fast that I was thrown backward. The security netting caught the toilet door which opened revealing a guy sitting on the loo. We were in the middle of two carriages; one full of pissed off, impatient people waiting to get off the train and the other full of people in fits of laughter!!

It was a 6 hour train journey with a change. Because we only had ten minutes to spare I made sure our rucksacks were on before the train stopped. Mine was covered in the security netting we used in South America. It snagged on my day bag and ended up hanging down behind me. I couldn't reach it, and Marilyn couldn't undo it, so I had to take the rucksack off. By this time the train had stopped and loads of people were queued up behind us unable to reach the door. Trying to be quick, I swung the rucksack round and it caught on a suitcase that a guy was taking off the rack. I yanked it and the weight of my heavy rucksack spun me round so fast that I was thrown backward. The security netting caught the toilet door which opened revealing a guy sitting on the loo. We were in the middle of two carriages; one full of pissed off, impatient people waiting to get off the train and the other full of people in fits of laughter!!
The Costa Blanca is even worse than the Costa del Sol. The Spanish have destroyed a complete coast line by uncontrolled, rampant development. It is both ugly and soleless, mile after mile of identical boxes and towers. Even worse it has been taken over by sort of English (and the Irish) who just want a facsimile of ´home´. We have even been into bars and shops where they don't speak Spanish. The food is terrible and the pubs all have TVs showing English football and soaps. Later on in the evening the TV is replaced by karaoke and pub quizzes. The beaches and the sea on the other hand are stunning.
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