We had travelled along the beaches in Uruguay. Punta Del Este is one of the smartest resorts in South America and is horrible. Miles of high rise apartments, chain restaurants and traffic everywhere. Though for some reason it has the greatest concentration of Lotus 7s I have seen
La Paloma on the other hand is heaven. A small town on a peniisular about a mile long and half a mile wide. At the point there are beautiful lava rocks, to one side a lagoon and on the other surfing beaches

Supposedly Uruguay has good carnival but we found it all a bit under whelming. 3 one hour sessions of very noisy dance, singing and comedy - this goes on every night in a Montevideo stadium for a month All a bit tedious but every one else was loving it
Back in Buenos Aires we went to see Boca Juniors play. We had everything flares, crazy goals, a sending off and the game stopped for a while. Every time the player tried to take a corner he would get showered with missiles and fireworks. Eventually they solved the problem by getting the riot police to create a shelter over his head with their riot shields

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