lonesome george - the last of his species. He is 90 and knackered. He has two attractive sub speacies femails in his pen but he is not intereted. They have even tried masturbation but couldnt get enough

Blue footed Booby about to land in Porta Ayora

Our cabin´s at the top

What happens if a tourist touches a baby sea lion - the mum rejects it
The Galapogas exceeds its reputation as a magical place but one under servere pressure. If you ever fancied visiting come soon before we destroy it. Despite great efforts to irradicate interlopers such as ferral dogs and goats, alien creatures are still arriving with vistiors, international fishing fleets and imports for the local people. The latest is a fly that lays its grubs in Finches´ nests and eats the chicks. However, the worst threat is global warming and the increased frequency and severity of El Nino phenominum. It brings warm water from the Pacific and depletes the marine life. This has a devastating effect on birds, iquanas and sea lions. 8 years ago 1000´s of sea lions died. There is a new El Nino building up now, it meant we had brilliant weather but everyone is hoping that it wont be a big one!!
We took a 8 day cruise so we could visit the outlying islands and then spend three days island hopping by ourselves. We saw everything we had hoped - Albatross mating, eggs and chicks, all the various Boobies, giant tortoises. Swam with sharks, turtles and sting rays. Took a horse ride to the top of an active volcano in the morning and then went to a trench that had 27 sleeping white tip sharks in the afternoon. Brilliant!
There was good bit of cabin swapping when we first got on the boat because there where some non-gay same sex couples with double beds. Marilyn and myself ended up in the best cabin at the top of the boat, with our own veranda and fabulous views. They even made a cake to celebrate our wedding anniversary and more importantly gave everyone a free cocktail
There was a big commotion one morning. A couple had had 150$ stolen from their cabin. We were stopped by the Ecuadorian navy and Captain Poirot boarded. He actually called all the passengers and crew into the library and we waited for his demuno of the culprit. Instead he threatened to take us all to HQ for interrigation and the trip would have been cancelled. Sensibly the couple said they didnt want this to happen and the boat owners offered to reimburse them at the end of the trip. So we where allowed to go on our way - Of course when we got to the port at the end of the trip there was no sign of boat´s owners
To top it all our guide was fantastic, totally knowledgable, enthustatic with a greta sense of humour. We promised to try and boost traffic on her web site. Its www. galapagos-ec.com.
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