Sunday, May 31, 2009

How to mend a dish washer in 10 easy steps

The problem - Dish Washer trips the electricity circuit breaker

1. Spend ages on the Internet to identify a faulty heating element.  Order new one

2. Heater element arrives in the post

3. Strip dish washer and use tissue to clean the bit that makes the element water tight

4. For no good reason take out the filters that stop bad stuff getting into the guts of the machine

5. Rebuild and throw away all the screws left over

6. Go back onto the internet to find out why its not cleaning dishes

7. Spend hours completely taking the machine apart so you can get the pump out, dismantle pump and remove the tissue that has clogged it.

8. Reassemble. Throw away some more screws. Test the washer before fitting back into the kitchen cupboard

9 Forget to turn the water back on so the element overheats

10 Goto 1

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