Sunday, March 23, 2008

Back to the Amazon

IMG_0858Back to the other end of the Amazon where it reaches the sea.

After 75 long distance bus journeys, 25 of which were over 12 hours, we just couldn't face 3 days on unmade roads. So we broke our rule and took a plane. The flights from French Guyana to Brazil have been cancelled for a month so we had to go back to Suriname.

We really love the Amazon cities. They are slightly disreputable frontier towns full of life. The river here at Belem is massive it takes two days by boat to get from one side to the other.

IMG_0875Markets full of obscure fruits
IMG_0874Fresh brazil nuts - they are juicy
IMG_0966A micro brewery


Every 30 minutes it chucks it down in a very tropical manner and the only escape is in the nearest bar

Another 14 hours by bus took us to Sao Luis which is on the southern edge of the Amazon forest. The city is famous for being the Brazilian reggie capital but true to our bear and anaconda form we did not hear a single bar of reggie music.
IMG_0977 The Portugese tlled all their buildings so it makes complete sense to tile the traffic lights as well

Sao Luis is also famous for a national park which is a massive area of sand dunes bordering onto the forest. OK but didn't live up to the hype


One of the problems with Brazil is that it is so big. The sand dunes are considered close to Sao Luis but are 6 hours away by bus.
IMG_1071A dead turtle and friend!
IMG_1036 Boat horse power


Bumped into the 3 peace corps guys who had helped us get compensation when the plane was delayed 24 hours in Suriname


Our Dutch friends who were great comapny and acted as translators for us on a trip in Suriname

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