Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It kicks off in Chile

Chile is one of the safest countries in S America but we have seen more action here than anywhere else, including a robbery attempt. Chile is a very Americanised country with lots of money, fast food chains and massive malls but it seems to have lost a lot of the culture that is evident in other SA countries.

When we arrived in Santiago, just after Pinochet´s death there were riots between police and those who think Pinochet was a criminal. The government would only allow a military funeral not a state one. We went to the funeral and there where about 5000 people there, all Pinochet supporters, many of them quite fanatical but there was no trouble. Objectors had been kept in the centre and riot police had cordoned off all government buildings. The vast majority of seemed to ignore the whole thing and just want to get on with their lives

The football final of the South American cup, between Chile and Mexican teams, was held in Santiago. We went to the stadium to try and get tickets but they had all ready sold more tickets than the capacity. The papers said 100,000 for a 66000 stadium. The Chile side lost so there was of course a small riot afterwards

We watched the match in a bar in Santiago. I noticed that a guy was questioning his bill, not shouting or anything but just being assertive. Two police arrived, spent 30 seconds talking to the guy who was quite calm and then suddenly punched him in the face and dragged him outside in a headlock.

If you want to get robed its a good idea to go down to the docks area looking for that authentic fish restaurant, have a brilliant meal and then stagger back blissfully unaware of your surroundings. Suddenly Marilyn shouted ´'its only glasses you prat' as a guy ripped her shoulder bag off her. I ran after him shouting ´'stop him'. A number of people turned to help - including a father who was crossing the road with his family who managed to kick the guy and caused him to drop the bag. So it was an excellent result and a useful reminder to us to keep on our guard. We had got a bit complacent after 3 months without any problems

The Ipswich murders are all over the papers in Chile. They call the muderer 'jack el destripador'. Its not very nice seeing your home town on the map for something like this. This morning CNN opened with `'its 3 PM in Gaza and 12 noon Ipswich`'

We are in Valparaiso and coastal resort near Santiago. Its hot and sunny and the beaches are great. Tomorrow we fly to Easter Island

1 comment:

Kate and Rob said...

Hi guys- just sent you an email and now read this- easter island eh- NICE!! Sorry to hear bout the robbery- sounds like we´ve given you a bit of our bad luck!!!! We got robbed- AGAIN- but luckily only a few select items this time- they had the good grace to leave robs bag and the majority of the contents on this occasion!!! Sorry, but had to chuckle at the thought of Marilyn giving the robber a good verbal bollockin as he ran of with her bag- Good lass!!!!!
Well, have a great xmas and new year- keep in touch- hope to see ya again soon- Kate and Rob xx